Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism:Promoting Language,Learning,and Engagement.
第二章 早期开始丹佛模式(ESDM)1——DESM基础
(二)罗杰斯和彭宁顿孤独症人际关系发展模式 interpersonal
[1] Rogers, S. J., Herbison,J., Lewis , H., Pantone, J., & Reis, K.(1986). An approach for enhancing the symbolic, communicative, and interpersonal functioning of young children with autism and severe emotional handicaps. Journal of the Division of Early Children, 10,135-148;——《提高年幼孤独症及严重情绪障碍儿童符号沟通和人际功能的一种方法》。这本杂志怎么翻译成中文呢?
[2] Rogers,S.J. & Pennington,B.F.(1991). A theoretical approach to the deficits in infantile autism. Development and Psychopathology, 3, 137-162.——《针对婴儿孤独症的缺陷的一种理论方法》。发表在《发育与心理病理学》杂志。
[3]Dawson,G.,Toth,K., Abbort,R.,Osterling,J.,Munson.J. Estes,A., et al.(2004).Defining the early social attention impairments in autism:Social orienting, joint attention, and responses to emotions. Developmental Psychology, 40(2),271-283.——《明确解释孤独症的早期社会性注意损害:社会性定向、相互注意和对情绪反应》,发表在《发育心理学》杂志。
[5]Rogers,S.J. & Lewis, H.(1989).An effective day treatment model for young children with pervasive developmental disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28,207-214.——《年幼孤独症谱系障碍儿童的一种有效的日间治疗模式》,发表在《美国儿童和青少年精神病学学会》杂志。
[6Rogers,S.J.Hall, T., OSkai, D., Reaven.J., & Herbison, J.(2000). A comprehensive, integrated, educational approach to young children with autism and their families. In S.L.Harris & J.S.Handleman(Eds.),Preschool education programs for children with autism(2nd ed.pp95-134).Austin,TX: Pro-Ed.——《年幼孤独症儿童和他们家庭的一种综合、融合的教育方法》,节选自《孤独症儿童的学前教育课程》(第二版)。
[7] The Interpersonal World of the Infant (1985) is one of the most prominent works of psychoanalyst Daniel N. Stern, in which he describes the development of four interrelated senses of self.These senses of self develop over the lifespan, but make significant developmental strides during sensitive periods in the first two years of life. The mother or other primary attachment figure plays a critical role in helping the infant with this developmental process.——《婴儿的人际世界》,此资料来源于维基百科。本书并未提供文献出处。
[8] Meltzoff,A., & Moore, M.K.( 1977). Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science, 198,75-78.——《人类新生儿面部和手部动作的模仿》,发表在《科学》杂志上。
[9] Yiriya,N., Kasari,C., Sigman, M., & Mundy, P. (1989). Facial expressions of affect in autistic, mentally retarded and normal children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30, 725-735.——《孤独症、精神发育迟缓和正常儿童情感的面部表达》,发表在《儿童心理学与精神病学》杂志。
[10] Rogers,S.J., Hepburn, S.L.., Stackhouse, T., & Wehner, E. ( 2003). Imitation performance in toddlers with autism and those with other developmental disorders. The Journal of Children Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines,44(5),763-781.——《孤独症及其他发育障碍学步儿童的模仿表现》,发表在《儿童心理学和精神病学及相关学科》杂志。
[11] Charman T., Swettenham J., Balon-Cohen,S., Cox, A., Baird, G., & Drew, A.(1998). An experiment investigation of social-cognitive abilities in infants with autism: Clinical implications. Infant Mental Health Journal,19(2),260-275.——《孤独症婴儿社会-认知能力的一种实验调查:临床意义》,发表在《婴儿精神卫生》杂志。
[12] Seibert, J., Hogan, a., & Mundy, p.(1982). Assessing social interactional competencies: The early social-communication scales. Infant Mental Health Journal,3,244-258.——《评估社会互动能力:早期社会-沟通量表》,发表在《婴儿精神卫生》杂志
[13] Mundy, P., Sigman, M., & Kasari, C. (1990). A longitudinal study of joint attention and language development in autistic children. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 20, 115-128.——《孤独症儿童相互注意和语言发发育的纵向研究》,发表在《孤独症与发展障碍》杂志。
[14] Kasari, C., Sigman,M., Mundy, P., & Yirmiya, N.(1990). Affective sharing in the context of joint attention interactions with normal, autistic, and mentally retarded children. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 20,87-100.——《正常、孤独症和精神发育迟缓儿童相互注意、互动情境中的情感分享》,发表在《孤独症与发展障碍》杂志。
[15] Wetherby, A. M., & Prutting, C.A.,(1984). Profiles of communicative and cognitive-social abilities in autistic children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,27, 364-377.——《孤独症儿童沟通和认知-社会能力的剖面图》,发表在《言语与听力研究》杂志。
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[18] Stone,W.L., Ousley, O.Y., Yoder, P.J., Hogan K.L., & Hepburn, S.L.(1997). Nonverbal communication in two-and three-year-old children with autism. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 27(6), 677-696.——《2-3岁孤独症儿童非言语沟通》,发表在《孤独症与发育障碍》杂志。
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[21] Dawson, G., Webb, S., Schellenberg,G.D., Dager, S., Friedman, S., Aylward, E., et al.(2002). Defining the broader phenotype of autism: Genetic, brain, and behavioral perspectives. Development and Psychopathology, 14,581-611.——《明确描述孤独症广泛的亚型:基因、脑河行为观》,发表在《发育与心理学病学》杂志。
[22] Dawson, G., Webb, S.J., & Mcpartland, J.( 2005). Understanding the nature of face processing impairment in autism: Insight from behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Developmental Neuropsychology.27,403-424.——《理解孤独症面部处理损害的本质:来自行为与电生理学研究的观点》,发表在《发育神经心理学》杂志。
[23] Dawson G., Webb, S.J., Wijsman, E., Schellenberg, G., Estes, A., Munson,J., et al. (2005). Neurocognitive and electrophysiological for a model of abnormal development of social brain circuitry in autism. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 679-697.——《孤独症社会脑通路异常发育模式的神经认知与电生理学》,发表在《发育与心理病理学》杂志。
[24] Dawson, G., & Zanolli,K. (2003). Early intervention and brain plasticity in autism. Novartis Foundation Symposium, 251,266-274.—— 《早期干预与孤独症脑可塑性》。来自诺华基金论坛。
[25]Kogel, R.L. & Kogel, L.K.(1995). Teaching children with autism: Strategies for initiating positive interactions and improving learning opportunities. Baltimore: Brooles.——《孤独症儿童教学:发起积极互动和改善学习机会的技巧》,是一本著作。
[26] Kogel,L.K. (2000). Intervention to facilitate communication in autism. . Journal of Autism and Development Disorders,30(5),383-391.——《促进孤独症沟通的干预》,发表在《孤独症与发育障碍》杂志。
[27] Schreibman, L.(1988).Autism. Newbury Park,CA:Sage.——《孤独症》,是一本著作。
[28] Schreibman, L. & Pierce, K.L.(1993). Achieving greater generalization of treatment effects in children with autism: Pivotal response training and self-management. Clinical Psychologist, 46(4),184-191.——《取得孤独症儿童治疗效果的更大泛化:关键反应训练和自我管理》,发表在《临床心理学家》杂志。
[29]Kogel,R & Kogel,L.K.(1988).Generalized responsivity and pivotal behavior. In R.H.Horner, G.Dunlap, & R.L.Kogel(Eds.),Generalization and maintenance: Lifestyle changes in applied settings( pp.44-46).Baltimore:Brooks.